How we measure and address risk to optimize your workplace
In our industry it's called a Basic Characterization - it's all about asking the right questions, hearing your particular challenge or issue, and providing you with digestible information for a clear, collective assessment. Sometimes we show you how you don't really need our help at all and other times we showcase how your workplace can improve. Our goal is to understand and, where necessary, make a plan.
THEN we CONDUCT AN Exploratory Assessment
If your situation is not easily addressed, our team comes on-site to explore the occupational hazard in question. For most challenges our team is able to employ industry leading evaluation and measurement tactics that allow us to make a confident assessment and give you a straightforward plan to execute. Evaluation methods include:
- Site Visits
- Measurements and Monitoring
- Literature Reviews
- Best Prectice Research and Implementation
we CONTROL and measure
In the most challenging of assessment and measurement scenarios our team will create a customized solution that controls the hazards in your workplace. How we establish controls is dependent on your unique situation and workplace.
Our solutions are designed to eliminate, control, or minimize each anticipated or real hazard in your workplace. They can include engineering solutions, administrative controls, prevention by design, personal protection equipment (PPE), communications and training, management programs, etc.
We enable you to knowledgeably select the solution that is optimal for your business goals using the Hierarchy Of Control, with the ability to legitimize your decision with your colleagues.
The Industrial hygiene Cycle
Active Listening
Understanding your questions and concerns.
Identify The HAzards
Assemble a list hazards within the workplace.
Quantify the Hazards
Prioritize the hazards which pose the highest risk.
Assess Control Options
Identify possible controls for the situation.
Improve Health and Safety
Analyzing your businesses process leads to tweaks that will improve health, safety, and efficiency.
Increase Employee involvement
Get employees engaged with Health and Safety Programs.
Optimizations, increased productivity, changes in materials and less penalties, result in increasing overall profits.